Intro to DevOps

Credits to @chesteralvarez

What is DevOps?
  • Is the blending of the roles of developers and operations support. 
Example:In application service, developers write the code that is deployed* into application service. Operations team maintains the application server. If the application fails to work on deployment there is a knowledge gap. People with knowledge of both software development and operations are required to bridge this gap, this is where DevOps practitioners are required.

deployed*: Software deployment includes all the process required for preparing a software application to run and operate in a specific environment. It involves installation, configuration, testing and making changes to optimize the performance of the software. It can either be carried out manually or through automated systems.

How it is important to the software engineering process?
The software development lifecycle is complex and has a number of important phases which include:
  1. Requirements Gathering 
  2. Design 
  3. Software Development 
  4. Testing 
  5. Deployment 
  6. Production Support 

Traditionally the phases have been performed by individuals and teams who have very little interaction with each other.

A key DevOps role is: Bridging the division of teams and improving communication between the phases.

How it is important to quality and testing?
Deploying an updated production application is a very tedious task to be performed manually, this is very time consuming and error prone. There are now a wide range of tools that allow these tests to be automated.

An important DevOps role is to: make the best use of tools and to ensure that they ar integrated to achieve a high level of automation.


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