Chapters 6.1 & 6.2

Credits to @4vid

1. What two properties must be satisfied for an input domain to be properly partitioned? 

Completeness: The partition must cover all of the domain.
Disjoint: blocks should not overlap

2. What is an Input Domain Model (IDM)?
Two Approaches to Input Domain Modeling:

A. Interface-based approach.􏰀 Develop characteristics directly from individual input parameters.
􏰀 Just use properties of the domains without considering the actual function under test.

B. Functionality-based approach
􏰀 Develop characteristics from a behavioral view of the program under test.
􏰀 Use your understanding of what the system should do.

3. What gives more tests, each choice coverage or pair-wise coverage?

Each Choice Coverage (ECC) states that one value from each block for each characteristic must be used in at least one test case. For example, for partitions [A, B] [1, 2] we can get [A, A], [B, B], [1, 1] and [2, 2] which are clearly redundant.
Pair-Wise Coverage (PWC) gets a value from each block for each characteristic and combines it with a value form every block for each other characteristic. This way, we only use different values from different partitions. For example, from partitions [A, B] [1, 2] we get [A, 1] [A, 2] [B, 1] [B, 2]
In conclusion, PWC does more tests as it makes different matches between values while ECC can be satisfied by a small number of tests.



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