Week 4 Review

Credits to @suika

Week 4 Plan:
1. Continue doing research about how to do unit testing or some sort of testing on Android Studio.
2. If research successful do a quick test and make a blog post about it.
3. Finish Chapter 3 Exercises.
4. Each member must do a commit and push to the team's repository on GitHub of the exercises.
5. Get ready for Partial 1 Exam.

Week 4 Review:
1. We talked to Guillermo Rivas who is the Mobile Apps profesor and he told us that it is possible to integrate unit testing to Android Studio with Junit since we are using Java but that he didn't know how to get that environment working. So we did some research about getting that set up and here's a very useful guide that we found:
Build Local Unit Tests

2. We ended un trying to import Junit but it kept displaying an error of versioning, so we're going install again Android Studio but with an extension pack that includes Junit.

3. Those are done and there up on the teams repo.

4. We didi the exercises as a team but some of the exercises didn't need code so Valentin couldn't make a push and commit to the repo.

5. Read the Chapter 1 and 3 Again.


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